Ezekiel 22:29-30
29 The
people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and
mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger.
30 So
I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the
gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I
found no one.
Our land is falling into such a deep pit of sin. And we see this every day if you don't believe me watch the news sometime. I can't watch the news normally because it hurts to watch all the sin that happens. And this same thing is in Ezekiel, time is just repeating itself all over again because we have forgotten our history. And now the Lord is yet again looking for a man to stand up and shine some light in this dark world. He is looking for someone to make a wall and to stand in the gap. I know that we all know someone who isn't saved; we have to stand in the gap invite them in to safety behind the wall.
Now " Few of us will ever be called to save a nation....but one man can make all the difference." Charles Stanley. Will we be the person to stand in the gap? Will we be the flashlight or will you try to shine like a lighthouse and bring people to safety. Not just the people we like, what about the people we don't like?
Read this," You must really hate someone if you don't want them to come to heaven."
Would you really hate someone that badly? Enough to wish that they died, then shame on you.
Because God tells us to "Love our enemies and bless those who curse you,and pray for those who spitefully use you,and persecute you."- Matthew 5:44.
Now the world doesn't need more successful people who hate. The world needs the people who are kind and loving, and they can be successful people too.
A person came up to me recently and they just seemed to have the meanest attitude ever, and we tried to be kind to him, and slowly his attitude changed. Not to an attitude of a know it all but he became kinder himself. And slowly everyone started liking him.
Why don't you be the person in the gap bring people to Christ. Bring the people who are always grumpy, angry, sad you name it. But bring that person to Christ by first being nice to them. Stand in the gap ,be the person who stands on behalf of the land or that person. Help them to grow; and lets change the world.
Our land is falling into such a deep pit of sin. And we see this every day if you don't believe me watch the news sometime. I can't watch the news normally because it hurts to watch all the sin that happens. And this same thing is in Ezekiel, time is just repeating itself all over again because we have forgotten our history. And now the Lord is yet again looking for a man to stand up and shine some light in this dark world. He is looking for someone to make a wall and to stand in the gap. I know that we all know someone who isn't saved; we have to stand in the gap invite them in to safety behind the wall.
Now " Few of us will ever be called to save a nation....but one man can make all the difference." Charles Stanley. Will we be the person to stand in the gap? Will we be the flashlight or will you try to shine like a lighthouse and bring people to safety. Not just the people we like, what about the people we don't like?
Read this," You must really hate someone if you don't want them to come to heaven."
Would you really hate someone that badly? Enough to wish that they died, then shame on you.
Because God tells us to "Love our enemies and bless those who curse you,and pray for those who spitefully use you,and persecute you."- Matthew 5:44.
Now the world doesn't need more successful people who hate. The world needs the people who are kind and loving, and they can be successful people too.
A person came up to me recently and they just seemed to have the meanest attitude ever, and we tried to be kind to him, and slowly his attitude changed. Not to an attitude of a know it all but he became kinder himself. And slowly everyone started liking him.
Why don't you be the person in the gap bring people to Christ. Bring the people who are always grumpy, angry, sad you name it. But bring that person to Christ by first being nice to them. Stand in the gap ,be the person who stands on behalf of the land or that person. Help them to grow; and lets change the world.
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